Tuesday 17 July 2018


When we were young and in love
It was as if we will never come apart
I thought without you I would die
But it is a long time gone now Cassie
And I have become stronger than ever
As if we never shared sentiments

I am grateful for the friends I have
Happy because I survived nights of pain
Thankful for every beautiful thing I see
Yet my widest smile comes and burst
Each moment I realize you are out of my mind

I do not call you darkness, how can I?
Although light came when you left
It is not that you are a distraction
But I have realized that without you, 
I am a superman; a conqueror

Now I know where happiness flows from
It has a channel from within to without
I know the colour of eternal peace and love 
And I know how to corrupt my sadness

Someday you would wish you were mine
You stood and fought monsters with me
You never left for the sake of adventure
Never broke my affections and our dreams

Someday you would wish you never made me weep
But then, I would still be celebrating our parting
Popping Champaign, dancing Awilo or Shaku-Skaku
With those that stood by me and cared for me

I have learnt how to smile to the cloud
And have the stars smile back to me
I have learnt how to swim like a fish
Maybe someday I would become a Shark
Or an Eagle: the Supreme king of the sky.